
Spinlock XTS and XCS Clutch Spare Parts

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  • Regular price £36.89
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Replacement Standard CAM-0610 for XTS, XCS, XT and XC power clutches line size 6mm to 10mm

Replacement Standard CAM-0814 for XTS, XCS, XT and XC power clutches Line size 8mm to 14mm

Replacement Ceramic CAM-0610C for XTS, XCS, XT and XC power clutches line size 6mm to 10mm

Replacement Ceramic CAM-0814C for XTS, XCS, XT and XC power clutches. Line size 8mm to 14mm

Replacement Ceramic CAM-1216C for XCS clutches. Line size 12mm to 16mm

Replacement Standard Lock Open CAM-0812L for XTS and XCS power clutches. Line size 8mm to 12mm

Replacement Standard Lock Open CAM-1214L for XTS and XCS power clutches. Line size 12mm to 14mm

Replacement Ceramic Lock Open CAM-0812LC for XTS and XCS power clutches. Line size 8mm to 12mm

Replacement Base for XTS and XCS Clutches

Replacement Ceramic Base for XTS and XCS Clutches

Replacement handle for XTS and XCS clutches - Black

Replacement handle for XTS and XCS clutches - Silver

XTS & XCS Rubber Handle End Moulding x 4 

Replacement side fairings for XTS clutches (pair)

Replacement side fairings for XCS clutches Black (pair)

Replacement side fairings for XCS clutches Silver (pair)

Replacement side fairings for XCS clutches White (pair)

XCS Nut Inserts & Handle Spacer Bushes for Single Unit

Clutch Handle Labels

High Spec Clutch Handle Labels